The Job is not completed until the paper-work is done and there will always be some documents to prepare. It may be as simple as a summary report or as complex as a Factory Acceptance Test procedure for a military project.

My most recent major documentation project was and still is the preparation and maintenance of the Manual for the PSDE. I found that I could make the manual more manageable and easier to use by using a large collection of *.html files., each of which presented a particular topic. Originally I used Word and Front Page. Unfortunately, these programs were not easy to use in this effort.

Another common documentation project in IT organizations is deployment checklists, SOPs and installation guides. These documents typically involve ordered lists, code samples, and screenshots. Common document tools like Word are not designed for these types of documents.

For both the PSDE manual, and the installation guides/SOPS, there are only a few basic “styles” that are needed to prepare these documents. Using the PSDE, we can create standard software parts kit for implementing these styles. These standards and PSDE greatly simplifies the maintenance of these documents and makes the process compliant with the principles of ISO-9001.